Restaurant Week
Discover our diverse eateries.
Enjoy specials & featured dishes.
Try something or some place new!

Family Fun Day
Join us in downtown Elmhurst on December 14 for a Hometown Holiday Fun Day!

Penguin Search
Search our merchants' windows and stores for adorable plush penguins to win a prize!

Ghost Hunt
Search our merchants' windows and stores for adorable plush ghosts to win a prize!

Shopping Initiative
Spend $10 at a participating merchant and receive your own Umbrella Sky Elmhurst umbrella!

Enjoy an afternoon of free activities and trick or treating through downtown Elmhurst!

Rock the Block
Enjoy a two-day festival full of bands, food, drinks, free family fun zone and so much more!

Flamingo Search
Search our merchants' windows and stores for adorable plush flamingos to win a prize!

Live Music
Take some time out for yourself!
Join us for weekly live music at the
North York Plaza.

Opening Day Party
Come help us celebrate!
Wine, beer and dancing in the street
with live jazz music!

Restaurant Week
Discover our diverse eateries.
Enjoy specials & featured dishes.
Try something or some place new!

Puppy Search
Search our merchants' windows and stores for adorable plush puppies to win a prize!

Umbrella Sky
Come enjoy an installation of color in downtown Elmhurst! All summer long! Created by Impact Plan.